Monday, March 16, 2015

American Society for Public Administration, Public Administration and Disability

 Meeting to Solicit Input on Public Administration and Disability

 American Society for Public Administration 

March 8, 2015

   Hyatt Regency Conference Center, Chicago, Illinois 


Discussion Goals in the New Healthcare Marketplace

Health and Human Services:

1. Disability and Ethnic NGOs and their Status
2. Academic Education: Programs in Public Administration and Disability versus Public Health and Management
3. Human Services to Community Health or Dual Transitions at Managed Care/HealthCare Marketplace
4. Individual, Family and Community Health: One Health Concept versus Behavioral Health Care

Environmental Goals:

1. Conversion to Green and Sustainable Government and Contracting Agencies
2. Support of Global Climate Change and Local Environment
3. Prevention, Health Promotion, Resiliency, Community Support and Wellness Agenda

Budget and Finance Goals:

1. Health Care Financing and Community Financing
2. State Categorical Service Systems, Governmental Personnel and Contracting
3. Governmental Programs: Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, Social Security Disability
4. Individual, Family and Consumer-Controlled Budgets

Inclusion and Empowerment Goals:

1. United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006)
2. Deinstitutionalization; Inclusive, Equitable and Sustainable Communities; Smart Growth and Community Development: Community Services in the 21st Century
3. Community Participation, Inclusion and Empowerment
4: Principles and Theories of Families, Independent and Supportive Living, Person-Centered  and Employment First

Personnel Goals:

1.  Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Individuals with Disabilities Educational Improvement (IDEIA) Act
2.  Development of the US Direct Professional Workforce for the Governmental (and Non and For-Profit Sectors)
3.  Meeting the Direct  Service Needs of Individuals and Families (e.g., Respite and Support 
Aides;  Specialized Child Care)

Public Policy and Disability Goals:

1. Comprehensive and Transparent Disability Public Policy and Public Policy and Community Development
2. Development of Public Administration and Disability Workforce in the Community
3. Public Administration and Disability: Comparative Approaches in the International  Sectors

Other recommendations: hearing aide reimbursement schedule increase; young adult services in mental health fields; tax credit or deduction equivalent to blindness; Office of Family Support; dental benefits and aging; review status of applicable administrations (e.g., Health and Human Services, Administration on Families, "Youth" and Children, and Administration on Community Living); war injuries and veterans with needs for in-home services.

Additional Comments through June 15, 2015 at Julie Ann Racino, Community and Policy Studies, 208 Henry Street, Rome, New York 13440-6506 USA or to Julie Ann Racino, Acting Chair, Public Administration and Disability, American Society for Public Administration, 1301 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.,  Suite 700, Washington, DC 20004.

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