Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Public Administration and Disability - CRC Press Book Release

Public Administration and Disability - CRC Press Book

New book, Public Administration and Disability: Community Services Administration in the US (Racino, in press) was released for sale for $89.95 from CRC Press, Francis and Taylor Academic Publishers. 

Community and Policy Studies is delighted to release the first book on Public Administration and Disability (Racino, in press) as a companion piece to the 2009 Disability and Public Health (Drum, Krahn, & Bersani, 2009). The book supports individuals and families living in local communities and ordinary or regular homes
with full participation and employment.

The book highlights the development and status of community categorical services and systems in states in the US. In particular, the author discusses contemporary history, core support services, public policy, future of the direct support workforce and community services administration in the US. 

More information on the author and editor can be found on Featured chapters by Steven E. Brown of the University of Hawaii and Sherri Larson, Lori Sedlezky, Amy Hewitt & Carrie Blakeway at the University of Minnesota.

Also, for additional reports or materials, contact or 315-533-6592 (telephone/fax) or the CRC Press directly for ordering or library recommendations.


  1. Hank Bersani, Jr. authored a chapter on government and government services related to health care in the book, Public Health and Disability (2009).Julie Ann Racino, Maxwell Graduate School Guest Lecturer in 1988, presented a book on Public Administration and Disability (Racino, 2014). Both parties worked at Syracuse University, School of Education, and signed agreements together on seed grant awards to governments and non-profit organizations in the US. The period was the birth of Medicaid and Medicare in the US and its use for home and community-based services ("and its variants"-e.g., supportive living, family support, personal assistance services, supported housing). In health care, visiting nurses were already in place; however, home and community services in traditional health care were considered relatively young (See, histories of welfare and social services in US). Today, Democratic 2020 US Presidential candidates Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders argue for Medicare for All. Julie Ann Racino, ASPA International, 2019

  2. We thank Steve Brown for his international book chapter (manuscript, 2012), and for his graciousness for reaching back to 1991 on the First International Personal Assistance Symposium hosted by the World Institute on Disability where he served as Education Director for the First US Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) on Public Policy in Independent Living. Julie Ann Racino from Syracuse University (Center on Human Policy) served as Deputy Director of the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) on Community Integration for 2 federal competitions (8 years) and 3 years prior to its funding (Community Integration Project). She worked with WID's "Center management" including Simi Litvak, Center research director, Steve Brown, RRTC's Boards, and Judith Heumann, Center Associate Director during the period of Ed Robert's role in co-founding World Institute on Disability.

  3. Happy holiday wishes in 2019-2020 and an e-book version of Public Administration and Disability: Community Services Administration in the US (Racino, 2014) is available for e-loan or e-rental on digital devices. Purchases of the book can be ordered from Barnes and Noble (, and from the new publisher CRC Press of Francis and Taylor Academics at Holiday coupons and gift cards also available for books referenced in the book's bibliography, including Rudy Guiliani's Leadership from New York (2002), Sonia Sotomayor's autobiography (2005), Gunnar Dybwad's and Hank Bersani's New Voices on Self Advocacy (1996), John O'Brien and Beth Mount's Make A Difference (2006), Stancliffe and Lakin's Cost and Outcomes of Community Services (2005), and Mario Cuomo's (1995) Reason to Believe, and linked books! Also, check out Inclusion Press online.
