Friday, August 20, 2021

Open Letters to Sen. Charles Schumer and Vice President Kamala Harris

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo of New York Announces Resignation  

     On August 10, 2021, the news broke that Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York would resign from his third term as Governor of the State of New York. Within two days, this party advised the NYS Democratic Chairmen that Cuomo should retract his resignation. However, today (August 23, 2021) a recorded speech was televised at noon, claiming to mark the end of his term in NYS Governor's Office. 

       Sen. Charles Schumer of New York, with the Democratic US Senate Majority win in the last 2020 election, became the Senate Majority Leader of the US Senate. One of his primary roles is to finalize legislation with Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California and the US President, now Democrat Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware and Pennsylvania.

       Sen. Charles Schumer of New York State was seeking funds for the Senate Majority PAC in 2021 in a campaign to oust Republican Mitch McConnell of Kentucky. I came onto the Democratic National Committee in 2009 after President Obama's (of Illinois) election, and have been a Cuomo supporter since being inspired by Gov. Mario and Matilda Cuomo in 1983. 

      It used to be called, where to begin, now on August 20-23, 2021 with the Governor's resignation effective in two weeks/today. We commend Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo for his lifelong public service contributions, and we look forward to the future leadership post his terms as Vice Chair and Chair of the National Governor's Association in 2019-2020, 2020-2021. It was expected to be a time of Democratic victory, and the news continues to rock the state and Nation on September 4, 2021. 

Open Letter to Sen. Charles Schumer

August 10, 2021

        We were as surprised by a letter from the Sen. Majority Leader on Monday at 8:45 am as we were when Anthony Shriver, who began Best Buddies International (with Me Too fraternities below), arrived unexpectedly at my Syracuse University Office in the School of Education at 7:45 am. Like everyone of our generation, glued to the black and white RCA television at the President John F. Kennedy Jr. assassination.   

       We responded to Sen. Charles Schumer regarding the Centers on Families and Community Living, Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) and the work of the American Society for Public Administration post the creation of the US Centers for Medicaid and Medicare, the Administration on Community Living, and NIDILRR (post NIDRR).

      In New York, we worked with "at arms length" the Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo Administration on a robust government agenda going as far back as his US Housing and Urban Development leadership under the William J. Clinton Administration. We believe the federal level followed Cuomo's example at Executive Orders as a method of government and on a crucial return to good, respected, and open governments. 

       In 2018, we were pleased to participate in the Turn the House Blue campaign, which successfully regained the US House of Representative to Democratic control. We were also delighted that Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, the son of Gov. Matilda and Mario Cuomo, achieved a third term as New York Governor the same year. We ask for your support at this time in New York as NYS Governor wrestles with addressing the Women's Agenda of 2020 led by Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul and Sec. to Governor Melissa DeRosa. 

      We were honored to be invited to the Democratic US Presidential campaign rally before the 2016 election night in Philly, Pennsylvania with Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton both rousing that evening! And we were lucky to attend the Javit's Center event when Hillary Clinton later won the historic popular vote for the first US woman President. What more could we ask!

       I was honored to secure Dean's scholarship and leadership award "as a third generation Polish American" (first to college) in upstate New York to attend Cornell University Arts and Sciences in 1971. We crossed paths with the wealthy who privately paid for the elite education in addition to those, like us, able attend financially through scholarship and student loans. The $80,000 was well worth it, though no one would have imagined Me Too at ASPA at the Mayflower Hotel from 1972 to 2021! Only Andrew Cuomo will receive a rose!

      From those of us who come from world peace and good governments (Racino, 2019, International public administration), we were pleased to reconnect with the Nation's first housing committee at the International Association of Persons with Severe Disabilities (Racino at Syracuse University, 1988), the Nation's science centers (Lakin & Racino, 1990), new and emerging workforces (e.g., National Association of Direct Support Professionals), and our national NGO organizing bodies, such as the Consortium of Citizens with Disabilities , founded in 1973. 

      During the Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo Administration, we joined the ASPA Sections from Public Administration and the Law, to Environment and Natural Resources Administration, Budget and Finance, and Science and Technology in Government. And we were honored to enlarge our own worlds to President Carter's position in the death penalty (2017, Pres. Carter Center), to the Gate's Foundation (Seattle, 2016), and to return to the world of sciences and museums (e.g., Denver Aquarium with HHSA, 2018). 

      We look forward to the future decades, and we support our New York State and our Nation in global leadership in the most difficult foreign and domestic policy challenges yet ahead. We continue to support the Biden Administration, including infrastructure investment of which New York is an exceptional leader under Gov. Cuomo Administration, and Sen. Charles Schumer's continuing support for Medicare and Social Security. Locally, Anthony Brindisi has represented the Democrats at "all public spaces" in Republican Oneida County. "And any new democratic elective is simply higher at the campaign than this party."

      I have officially been with the DNC since 2009 under the Obama Administration and with the New York State Democratic Committee in 2017-2018 also serving on the Nation's Health and Human Services Executive Board at the American Society for Public Administration. Nancy Pelosi of California may indicate that the DCCC relationship has also been the same period. For the first time in 2019, I responded to the DSCC, and am now aware of the DCCC and the dual black DCCC managerial and fundraising. More to come post the passing of Gwenn Ifill of Washington Week and her public information on black Mayoral elections in the US. 


Julie Ann Racino, born in Rome, New York, 1953 as daughter of Augustine V. Racino and Josephine H. (Bien) Racino

Open Letter to Kamala Harris  

New Vice President Kamala Harris of California, the first woman to ever hold the position in the US, sent her greetings from the National Democratic Party where she serves with US President Joseph R. Biden Jr., and DNC Chair Jamie Harrison replacing former US Secretary of Labor Tom Perez. 

Dear Kamala Harris: 

       Congratulations on the historic Vice Presidential role in the USA which followed the 2016 US Presidential campaign when US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton won the popular vote for US President!

       As President Barack Obama stated in 2019 "ushering in a new wave of leaders who better reflect the American we see in our communities and workplaces every day" was setting a new standard at the ballot box. 

      Of course, we happen to still be fond of our own leaders from Governor Mario and Matilda Cuomo of New York who inspired me back in 1983, and to the US President Clinton and his team which included the son and political partner, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York! 

     We contacted President Barack Obama's Office (i.e., Valerie Jarrett) regarding the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities after receiving a high alert on ratification (Brown, 2014, then in Hawaii from World Institute on Disability in CA in Racino in NY, 2014). 

      Later, Dr. Lex Frieden (ILRU-Texas), also of the Independent Living Coalition, was offering US Presidential guidance from the National Council on Disability on the treaty. In the meantime, Honorable Judith Heumann had served three US Presidents (Clinton, Bush and Obama) and the World Bank as disability advisor.

      We were delighted that Kamala Harris' campaign developed disability public policies, and also that American Society for Public Administration hosted an International Assembly on the Sustainable Development Goals with the UNCRPD (one of the HR treaties) confirmed from Annual International Assembly floor (via Chicago, Seattle, Atlanta, and Denver). 

      Today, the new international human rights treaty is on the Rights of Indigeneous People which Pierre Trudeau's son Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (who hosted the G7 in Charlevoix, Canada) has embraced together with gender public policy agenda.

     We wish new Vice President Kamala Harris and US President Joe Biden the best in addressing the "foreign and domestic pubic policy challenges" that lie ahead in the next three years of the federal administration and the White House. 


Julie Ann Racino, National Democratic Party



  1. Sen. Charles Schumer of New York State was confirmed in a 2015 book, Dealing with China: An Insider Unmasks the New Superpowers as being with President Obama of the US at the Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation Meeting in Beijing, China in November 2014. In the same book, US Treasury Secretary Paulson indicated, "We were interested in doing more business with ICBC, China's biggest bank, and the other banks" (p.155). Coincidentally (the book was seen in 2021!), Schumer was notified of $30,000 taken from HSBC Bank (prior Marine Midland, from 1950s!), which had converted to a Chinese-owned bank without notifying the public; the sign also indicated FDIC (federal depository insurance) insured. In 2016, the NYS Department of Financial Services "and the Senators office" saw no problem ("the lady placed a call for me to talk to the banker"-called customer relations) and the former "abides by US and NYS banking regulations regarding times to file against any bank". I say, "that's them through and through goes on" (relationship with foreign versus US banks), at repeat torte injuries since 1991 (no such thing!)! The next book on new economics was by MIT graduate Ruchir Sharma from 2012, and "that's consultants" in all "banking money" and national economic manipulation of the GDP of Nations. Of course, then starts insults toward Eastern Europe and Poland, with the symbol of the Polish plumber driving down skilled labor costs "from the East"! Julie Ann Racino, ASPA International, 2021 Remember, get out of my international was in or who do government employees let in!

  2. We do not ever condone actions by any group or individuals (e.g., for sake of race, the sake of women) to "takeover governments" through criminal use of their elective or appointee positions in government. We have seen it happening right before our eyes in this Nation. Any party so involved, instead of prosecution, "should recuse themselves" from such actions. That's similar to raise your right hand and take an oath to people who lie about the oath and the law! Today, we pray for the future of New York State and its people, and unlike Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo we do not believe that the government should "continue its business today" (on August 24, 2021) because we are still on the same business we started with in the 1970s! Truth, integrity, justice and world peace can come to fruition. We were informed that "we are two and a half hours into the new administration" and that "Hillary Clinton's former aide" will be in the office this morning. If it was not that it is our state of New York, we probably would have "goodbye, good luck, and hit the road jack". We do expect that the NYS Assembly and NYS Senate will "roll on its merry way" because it has been steamrolling for all three terms of the Cuomo Administration "over Cuomo's constituents and programs"! It took barely 2 days "for the rats to come out from under cover" and one just claimed the Governor's Office! Or, it was just a media hoax by "CBS new woman executive". That's just how things look at 2:33 am near the Afghanistan evacuation. Julie Ann Racino, ASPA, 2021

  3. Excerpt from Kirsten Gillibrand's letter while running for US Senate from New York (2nd term): "I feel so honored to serve New Yorkers and fight for the values we share: quality, affordable health care; clean air and water; increased access to child care; equal pay for equal work; gun safety reform; support for our 9/11 heroes and more." Sen. Gillibrand who also ran for US President in 2020 Democratic primaries, is not a Trump fan, and called the first two years of his presidency "cruel and chaotic". Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand affirmed that ''she was fighting the White House and fighting for you" to get dark money out of politics; stand firm against President Trump's nominees; and calling on the US President to resign. In particular, she noted the many credible sexual assault allegations made against Trump (and we know how that story continued in 2021) in New York! Gillibrand "who vigorously opposed this reckless President and Republican enablers", said the US Senator is fighting for families and championing the following issues: bringing good-paying jobs back to our state; fighting for workplace inequality; cracking down on workplace harassment; and ending sexual assault on campus and in the military. Please be assured that "our unflagging activism is causing a seismic shift in our country" and that she will keep fighting everyday, as one of those leaders. Julie Ann Racino, "with our first woman Governor" who agrees with Kirsten Gillibrand-we used to say about men- and benefited immensely, 2021 Regretfully, the public did not, or for that matter, this party, Cuomo Democrats of New York, 2021 and bipartisan political families, 2021

  4. Excerpts from Letter from Sen. Charles Schumer of New York, US Senate Majority Leader, 2021 Prepassage of the Infrastructure Bill now signed by US President Biden. Itś time we sent a clear message: NOT ON MY WATCH. We are fighting for new federal protections that would guarantee access to the ballot box and prevent Republicans from stealing elections that they cannot outright win. We are standing up for womenś rights and taking on the radical Supreme Court that Trump and Mitch McConnell forced down Americaś throat. Weŕe working to pass President Bidenś ambitious plan to restore our economy and rebuild the middle class.... Even worse, Trump is actively involved in installing elections officials who subscribe to his Big Lie about the 2020 election being stolen--because he knows he can trust them to overturn Democratic victories in 2022 and beyond. ..Senate Majority PAC is not waiting until next year to jump into this fight with both feet-and you should not either...Your part is simple. Donate what you can today to help us win. to Julie Ann Racino, National Democratic Party, 2021
