Thursday, January 2, 2020

Happy New Year 2020!


Julie Ann Racino
Community and Policy Studies

January 2, 2020

        As we welcome New Year 2020, now well into the 21st Century, we are faced with new challenges that will guide our futures in the days to come:
*   world peace with a new raid on a Middle Eastern US Embassy in Iraq, and continued instability in Ukraine and Syria (at Turkey's role in NATO),
*   competition in the new age of the nation-to-nation Space Race (e.g., American Space Force) with the growing powers in India part of the women's movement in 2020, 
*   the vision of a global world different than those envisioned by most Americans ("African-Centered";  minority-led; newly independent states. European Union without a United Kingdom), 
*   multinational companies "being asked" to seek their roots in America, and their responsibilities to our  Nation's future in the world economy, and
*   growing world population with a "new world order" since the 911 attack on the World Trade Centers which was reported today as now overshadowed by the 2008 US and world recession.

US States: Criminal Justice, Mental Health and Behavioral Health Care
       In January 2020, each of the Governors in the US will report "to the people" on the state of the unions and the state plans for the "Annual Fiscal Year."  In 2015, we saw the rise in the government budgets trending for over a decade toward criminal justice, mental health, substance abuse, addictions and behavioral health care, the latter the result of parity "add ons" (i.e., Mental Health Parity and Drug Addiction). Not surprisingly, this morning on the news we saw new legal purchases of "candied drugs" as the states "go to war", similar to the fights for "abortion rights" (family planning) as our Nation's flag!

State of Michigan: US Education, Transportation and the Economy
      We briefly saw our new woman Governor Gretchen Wittmer report on the last Michigan state budget (FY 2019). And as I watched the Michigan football game ( yesterday (New Year's bowl games in America), I could not help but reflect on the Governor's report on the devastation in education rankings (K-12) and the effect on local budgets due to the automobile crises (See, President Obama's roles) on "the premiere Northeastern state of Michigan". In addition, the priority at transportation for high speed rail to lead "with the world economies" became the local priority of Mayors to pave the roads. This report all post the Flint, Michigan water crises and the arrest of state officials and water authority transfer rights. 

Science and Technology, and Climate Action and Emergency Planning
       While science and technology remains on the forefront, every new development escalates in "nanosecond" speed to roles from worldwide 5G networks in all urban and rural areas, to artificial "facial recognition intelligence" in the "world of dictators, monarchs, oligarches, and presidents".  STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) with always support for the Arts (STEAM) and Culture (e.g., disability culture) offers the new  world of  "inclusion, equity and bullying" in our public school systems and non-profit agency-governmental systems. While climate science takes hold in the world of everyday Americans, inquiries on "who is in charge" at the reported wildfire devastation (now New South Wales, Australia) takes hold! 

Nation-State Currency Systems and National Stability
       In 2019, we were taken aback that the "hidden plan" was for the Euro, the new European Union currency, to 'take out historic Nation currencies' (See, wikipedia), the equivalency of saying the US no longer wants its own currency or dollar bill. Now, until the 12 year old girls have pens instead of Senior Executive Women, I may have thought that was a mistake. It was called the "lack of institutional knowledge" and was a concern at the retirements of the "baby boomers" in American for over 40 years! Crypto another currency all the vogue in South America "was trading on new AMD computers" (See, rising stocks) in 2019. We are certain that EU Ambassador Gordon Sondland, testifying instead at the Ukrainian debacle, will take the currency matter in hand for the "stability of Europe and the Western world".

US Government Stability and Leadership 
        As we plan (e.g., government bonding for 10-30 years), the US President's cabinet has changed markedly, and while Republicans plan for a second term only, the Democrats seek and have two articles of impeachment (i.e., abuse of power, US House-obstruction of justice) against the sitting US President. As of this morning, no viewed Democrat (leading polls, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg) is seen as able to beat the already impeached President in the next 2020 Election! The reason? The excellent state of the US economy (e.g., stock trading-DOW, NASDAQ, "facebook", unemployment and job creation, "GDP") which has been reported as two Nations of inequality (Racino, 2014) at

Happy New Year 2020!
      On January 2, 2020, we wish all our "Nations around the world" the best in the coming year! We support diplomacy over war and chaos, progress together for a better global world, and success in tackling the challenges of our times and the generations yet to come. On a personal and family basis, we wish prosperity and wealth, happiness and joy, achievement and understanding in life, love and well being, personal intimacy and loyalty, strength of spirit and of "soul", personal security and individual and family goals, integrity and courage, and the "golden bonds of the world community". 



  1. Now, it was the soul of America at stake, the "concept of individual souls and oversouls" (other worlds), souls as related to a Supreme Being (concepts of God versus life as chance), "mind, body and spirit (soul)", the chakras and the body-mind-spirit, eternal versus hu'man' existence, plants as "feeling" (earth united), reincarnations and returning souls, and the soul of the Nation. Faith in God and liberty for all. Julie Ann Racino, Community and Policy Studies, 2020

  2. Now, it was the soul of America at stake, the "concept of individual souls and oversouls" (other worlds), souls as related to a Supreme Being (concepts of God versus life as chance), "mind, body and spirit (soul)", the chakras and the body-mind-spirit, eternal versus hu'man' existence, plants as "feeling" (earth united), reincarnations and returning souls, and the soul of the Nation. Faith in God and liberty for all. Julie Ann Racino, Community and Policy Studies, 2020 The context: wars, behavioral administrations, and criminal justice in America.

  3. On January 8, 2020, we express our disappointment on the decisions of the new US administration on the negotiated and signed international Iranian nuclear treaty (See, John Kerry's recent book 2018) which now "has resulted in destabilization and escalating crises" between Iran, Iraq, the US and "their proxies". We express support for our Nation and for its ability to weather the current and coming crises, and continue to recommend "abiding by international diplomatic standards". Julie Ann Racino, American Society for Public Administration, 2020

    1. We are deeply saddened "by the downing of the Ukranian passenger airline" (pulling in Canada through the deaths of 63 Canadians and 83 Iranians) by "retaliatory strikes" of Iran to "US occupied military bases in Iraq". "Active combat air space" and "undeclared US-Iran war". Julie Ann Racino, ASPA, 2020

  4. Thank you to Governor Andrew M. Cuomo of New York for the publicly available live State of the State of New York 2020 today. We applaud his progressive agenda to move New York forward for future generations and his eloquence for unity and love on the path ahead. Julie Ann Racino, American Society for Public Administration, 2020

    1. Governor Andrew M. Cuomo of New York was cited for his high profile state legislation in 2019 including abortion rights (state codification of Roe V. Wade), climate change (with VP Al Gore), farm labor rights (upstate is agriculture country), guns (new mental health restrictions), immigration (undocumented rights to drivers' licenses), freedom from sexual harassment (e.g., on MTA subway) and rent control ("price gouging" response by governments). New sources of proposed revenue to offset the deficit were recreational marijuana and vaping (Roy, 2020) which is stunning at Executive proposal to ban flavored vapor products (now at NYS courts ruling against the Executive branch).
      Roy, Yancey. (2020, January 8). Cuomo to kick off 2020 legislative session with State of the State address. Microsoft NewsOnline.

      The State of the State Address for 2020, weeks before the state budget presentation, was among Governor Andrew M. Cuomo's high governmental addresses. And he remains as "one of the increasingly few Executives" who aspire to on time, balanced budgets in America which is astounding for a "tax and spend liberal". His major infrastructure projects of the 21st Century through his community and economic development initiatives have resulted in tangible achievements which he rightfully believes give people hope in their own futures and communities.

      Upstate New York thanks the Governor for his support of the downtown hospital "for Utica, NY" (which is highly controversial, but will happen solidifying the MVHS system), drone facilities in Rome, NY at Griffiss Business Park (business modernization), and for the Workforce Center in Syracuse, NY (with a Rochester model already in place).

      We also agree that the projects in NYS are exciting from Buffalo Great Lakes waterfront (e.g., new leading architectural designs), to new state parks downstate and Shirley Chisholm Bridge, Albany Skyway, major USA and NYS offshore wind project (off Long Island), upgrades at the Kosciousko Bridge, NYS thruway improvements (e.g., Binghamton, NY), JFK Airport in NYC together with Elmira and Ithaca Airports, and new Legoland with 1300 jobs in Hudson Valley.

      Please note that the Governor of New York has for the first time ever, 95% health care coverage of New Yorkers. And a $6 billion health care gap largely attributed to Medicaid program. [I have dental health insurance cut in middle of emergency dental in January 2020 and "credit card health care" system involving property seizures! And "at Medicaid", a comprehensive elder Part C Medicare, non-transparent plan.]

      From his lifetime in politics, Governor Andrew Cuomo remains charismatic in his speeches and addresses the theme of all for one and one for all, in responding to the attacks on Jewish leaders, the LGBT constituents, and diverse religious communities from Buddhism to Christianity and Islam ("If they attack one of us, they attack all of us").

      We appreciate his wide ranging speech from economic justice and criminal justice (e.g., Hate Crimes Task Force), comprehensive paid sick leave, banking for all, economic growth, reproduction rights (e.g., gestational surrogacy), small businesses, construction (and engineering) infrastructure leadership (e.g., new airports; Moynihan Train Hall), greener and cleaner planet, renewable energy, health and housing transformation (e.g., Brooklyn), property tax cap, lowering middle class taxes, raise the age results, new jobs & and retraining, natural disasters (e.g, Puerto Rico, Herkimer 100 year floods), support for first responders, opiod crisis (first decline in deaths) and medication assisted treatment (MAT), and participation and protection of our democracy.

      And in conclusion, One Nation under God with Liberty and Justice for All (Pledge of Allegiance to United States of America).

      Julie Ann Racino, Cornell and Syracuse University Alumni, 2020
      and Health and Human Services Administration, American Society for Public Administration, 2020

  5. We thank the Democratic candidates for the US Presidential 2020 campaign featured last night for their discussions on foreign policy, especially war and peace (e.g., Iranian nuclear deal; Asian Nations-China, Japan; Vietnam and veterans; Afghanistan and Iraq; Middle East), authorization FOR the use of military force (Buttigieg: war veteran, "authorization has to be replaced; mistake to give authority to go to war"; Warren: "No one on stage wants endless wars"), and "stateless terrorism" (Biden: 68 countries ending caliphate of ISIS).

    Tom Steyer, in contrast, approached the issues from his decades of experience in government and business as how America relates to other countries. Amy Klobuchar thanked the current US Secretary of State and US Secretary of Defense for a briefing last week, and Warren cited the role of the Armed Services Committee and our troops ("the finest military on earth"). Warren concluded that we need to stop asking the military to solve problems that "cannot be solved diplomatically". This party agrees that "law enforcement and criminal justice" are the same kinds of challenges.

    Sanders believes that the UN and the US State Department need to be rebuilt, first noting over 500,000 (1/2 million people) sleeping on the streets tonight (1/145/2020). He echoed the theme of the Democratic candidates that we need to bring this world together, and as Biden noted "re-establish our alliances". Unlike Biden he believes the core problems are corporate greed (e.g., pharmaceuticals), and concentration on the interests of the multinational corporate. Redistribution of wealth to the top 2% was cited as the direction of public policies.

    We also noted the continued deep concern over the trade deals that often are not in favor of the American worker (must compete with China and Mexico) with earlier votes against NAFTA reflecting this position. Joe Biden said labor and environmentalists will be at the table in his administration; that real people have been hurt by secret trade deals (Amy Klobuchar), and that we need coherent trade policies, not just for international corporates (Elizabeth Warren). Buttigieg cited his support for the new US-Mexico-Canada trade deal which is not perfect but will improve the situation for workers, labor and farmers.

    Much more in the debate! And we concluded, once Elizabeth Warren stated she will be the first US woman President that we concur! In support of herself and Amy Klobuchar, she first explained "only women won every single election, Amy and me" and the "men lost 10"! Warren continued that she is the only one on stage to beat an incumbent Republican in 30 years, and that we need a candidate who will excite all parts of the "Democratic Party". We know that our leading candidate will win over Americans and the world with broad support from Working Families, Green Party, Independents, Libertarians, Republicans and Democrats.

    Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in America in 2016, and the New York Daily News explained that if Sander's Democratic primary voters voted for Hillary "instead of Republican Trump" or even did not vote at all, Hillary Clinton would have won 46 more electoral votes in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and won the US Presidency (S.E. Cupp, 1/14/2020).

    Julie Ann Racino, National Democratic Party, 2020

    1. On the trade agreements, the advice to the governments of Canada, Mexico and US, especially in light of current China-US tariffs, is to decouple both Nations (Canada and Mexico) to separate bilateral trade agreements with US. There are many reasons including the marked differences in the two economies, "the languages", the alliances, the workforces, Nation currencies, and "corporate sector", and now the drug trades and immigration. I understand the new agreement is in "final stages".

      In addition, while China represents substantial population base (lots of people as potential buyers of goods under capitalism, but "not a democracy"), US needs to address the ASEAN (Asian trading blocs) in the world. And we have not yet taken democratic government or Western world leadership at the European Union.

      Now, we understand that the US "never presents itself" as pushed out (we-US as Trump administration- walked out of Human Rights at the UN at Ukraine and Syrian invasions) or as secondary to other capitalistic developments in the world (Major infrastructure which will affect future trade, not reported to the American public). As young people, we often saw the US as demanding to "get its own way" and thus, the US often loses at an "equality gate" (173 votes to 1 is possible) especially when it is not "6 original veto powers of the UN".

      We thank the candidates, and today will comment briefly that this party ( as HHSA Executive, US) has not approved the current "health and human services" managers (i.e., contractuals of diverse governments, for-profits and NGOS). And believes that the constant "complaints" that involve parties actually dying are due to criminal mismanagement of the health and human services systems in the US. Thus, the new "lauding of the health care vipers".

      We do not believe that any of the Democratic candidates health care plans will address the basic problems involved. Why? Medicaid and Medicare, both young, "have not been properly reviewed" during their only 50 years or so. We celebrated the 35th Anniversary and the home and community-based (HCB) "Medicaid" waivers. For example, the public "was not told" that mental health was to be stripped and behavioral management was placed in as federal offices (US Centers for Medicaid and Medicare). However, we do applaud the commitment of the Democratic candidates for US President to the right to health care and to universal health care. And for planning to do their utmost to address the situation.

      Now, have a great day today as we begin the third week of 2020! And do note that the federal defense budget was highlighted this morning (January 14, 2020, AP) as "the administration has accelerated a sharp building in defense spending".

      Julie Ann Racino, American Society for Public Administration, Health and Human Services Administration, and International Chapter, 2020

    2. Yesterday, World Economic Forum held its 50th Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland. It's an elite (side by side meetings on this year), and one of the few forums that attracts nation and world economists, social philanthopists, investment and world banking, government officials, and political leaders from Nations around the world. Of course, we enjoyed listening to Microsoft Founder Bill Gates from the United States many years ago and Melinda Gates at world forums (circa, 2012)! I associate the forum with Christina Amanpour!

      President Donald J. Trump presented a plenary address on the 50th Anniversary and focused on America's economic accomplishments during his 3 year "federal administration" in the United State of America.

      The US delegation was noted as US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, US Trade Robert Lighthizer, Labor Secretary Eugene Scalia, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao (prior Sec. of Labor, Pres. Obama), and White House Advisor Ivanka Trump.

      An international trade panel featured 5 speakers, including the Chinese Huwaei (charged in US and Canada), and the Mexican foreign minister responsible for "US-Mexican relations" as the "two women" on the panel. The panel cited escalating trade tariffs with China, labor agreements on USMCA "agreed to by the 3 Nations", China's success in trade imbalances, Mexico's 16% and 20% wage increases in past two years, and role of the World Trade Organization in trade disputes.

      Several articles released in conjunction with the international conference (online) included featured Japanese transport (high speed public transport from Tokyo-Osaka, and 10 million subway users daily; replacing fixed and on-demand transit models "of the US"), and another on Global Shapers awards in mental health (e.g., Zambia, South Africa, Morocco, New Zealand) as young people in their adolescence and increased country financing in "mental health"

      However, the news media continued with "Greta Thunberg" (see, above), having an underage, foreign child (modus operandi) in the line of fire on trillions in "climate and terrorism" (UN) financial crime. It is typical to place victims or vulnerable persons in that space or role (e.g, "sex crimes").

      Figures are escalating to $12 and $30 trillion aimed toward "developing countries" which is also wealth redistribution!

      To return to Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders, socialism does mean wealth redistribution, and not as stated in the campaigns. And distributing wealth to campaign managers (wow! new) unknown to the public for "personal use" is another matter, too. Bernie, by the way, said the top 1% (redistributing up) as does our New York Times endorsed Democratic candidate for US President Elizabeth Warren (co-endorsed with Amy Klobuchar).

      Julie Ann Racino, American Society for Public Administration, PA and the Law, SENRA (Section on Environment and Natural Resources Administration), 2020

    3. Yes, the Save the Planet was a global earth with children of the world holding hands around the globe. Circa, 1970s, the peace generation was warmed by embracing all Nations and all cultures.

      Usually, that would mean a representation of the current "brown and black" forums held on Martin Luther King Jr. day in 2020, genders (then girls and boys, no LGBT), different cultures (e.g., native costumes, now head coverings), "Asian" (believe it or not, yellow), and "Indian" (native Americans and Indians-country of India).

      Now globes, if visible continents often were "US-North America" or the Americas (Canada-US-Central and South America). Today, often a "Afri-Centric globe" or Eurasia-Africa, and fully withdrawn world maps!

      We did have children as the future when we were just very young adults at the Ivy!

      And, yes, what is the Bahai Faith? And, believe it or not, my new friend Charlie, "an albino with an Afro"! Anthropologist-study of different cultures. Or all of New York City has cream cheese and lox (Jewish), and berried cheesecake (my new favorite in Ithaca, NY) on the corners. No, I'm from Vietnam, but not a vegeterian as 90% of the rest of the house! That was separate from decade later, the Dali Lama monastery downtown Ithaca, New York (Tibetan buddhism in a "prayer" -livingroom chapel). It was thus called "cultural exposure" and then "cultural sensitivity".

      Julie Ann Racino, Founding Member, Center for World Community, Cornell University, 2020

    4. On January 20, 2021, the new Democratic Biden-Harris Administration was inaugurated in Washington, DC post "US Capitol Riots" of January 6, 2021. Regarding the above, wikipedia reported that new and historic VP Kamala Harris' mother was educated as an anthropologist and "by age" would be "our mothers graduating as our students"! The news media yesterday was reporting that on the above (e.g., ethnicity, religion), "none of your business" (remember, Ask, Don't Tell in the military) was the response they had! Wikipedia also noted the Hindi religion of India. None of your business is not a political position for public life in America. Now, we had "all the confusion" about the Muslim Brotherhood (that's related to United Way funding) and "the ancestry of President Barack Obama" (described as birthism at new immigration and elective offices in US). Julie Ann Racino, Cornell University Alumni, 2021 Public Administration and Disability (Racino, 2014)

  6. We thank Spectrum News for making available the third State of the City Address of Mayor Ben Walsh, who ran as an Independent in Syracuse, NY and won. In line with the post-Obama era, Syracuse's Puerto Rican (Woman, See, US Presidency) Counselor-at-Large introduced a startling saga of a poverty Syracuse rising from its "history of decay", with US being an "uninvited Nation", and and a new diverse and inclusive representation that should make us proud.

    Mayor Ben Walsh, man for all seasons, began that his heart is with the people of Puerto Rico as they go through very hard times. He thanked all the counselors including Common Council President (Helen Hudson), governmental representatives (includes Governor Andrew Cuomo's representative above), community leaders, staff and department heads (city), and his (nuclear, marriage) family.

    Of particular importance was the exciting news in Syracuse, NY during the past three years, from Upstate University Hospital leading in health care and Medicare, attracting big companies to Syracuse (e.g., Microsoft Smart Cities Technology), investing in business technology (Gov. Cuomo $12.5 million, Business Tech Garden), growing at the city levels (J.P. Morgan Advancing Cities Program), raising the role of millenials (See, US Presidential age transition; choosing to stay in Syracuse with professional degrees), reutilizing our infrastructure (5G to Coyne Textile Bldg), upgrading its fire equipment and city snowplows (infrastructure, 10 new snowplows and 3 trucks) in concert with the state of New York, instituting 21st Century police practices (e.g., LGBT, use of police force, professional conduct), building new affordable housing units, markedly reducing evictions (75% reduction) and repairing zombie properties, reopening neighborhood center (5th District) and new park upgrades (e.g., sledding, snowshoeing, fitness and playground equipment, Christmas tree), major school renovations throughout city schools ("incredibly smart and talented young people"), new paved roads (67% more paved by DPW), Syracuse University plowing eastside sidewalks at no cost to city (citywide sidewalk and snow removal program), addressing the overpopulation of deer, and fiscal sustainability (reducing budget deficit and maintaining fund balance; stabilized at the credit agencies), and even more!

    In the New York State context, the Syracuse Surge which is the revitalization plan, involves an inclusive growth strategy. Noted in the NYS Governor's address (which Mayor Ben Walsh attended) in January 2020 was the new workforce training center at the Central Tech Building downtown, also the regional STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics). And from the state Governor the $7 million for SUNY (State University of New York) Empire State College.

    In line with the "disability era" passing or transitioning, Deputy Mayor Owens (African American woman) has been charged with the Office of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility. And separately, the themes to address poverty are: jobs, transportation, education, digital divide, and housing "instability" with a new Mayor's Quality of Life Commission.

    Thank you To Ben Walsh and his teams for the jumpstart to "neighboring cities in upstate" in our concerted efforts in "New York and the US" in 2020!

    And, no we have not spoken with Mayor Ben Walsh directly about the "seizure of the SDC property" (on the local news stations, national affiliates) and move to a commercial real estate property in 2019. Similarly, the situation, not mentioned with mall tax seizures (complete changes in occupancies), and the public hearings on new I-81, major New York State thoroughfare with hearings only in Syracuse, NY. And the answer is that "everything may move very fast".

    Julie Ann Racino, American Society for Public Administration, 2020

    1. Puerto Rican leaders online in a photo at the National Council on Disability (2020) in a mixed "Federal Executive/Congressional Office" which has no direct US Presidential Appointee. It could be a downgrade of the US President's Office under the new federal administration or a popularization with emphasis on the US states and "its territories". The US Congress did not ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities signed by Pres. Obama in 2009 (Racino, 2014). The US was not featured in the 2017 video Anniversary of the UN which I viewed in 2018, though US programs were featured! Julie Ann Racino, Author of Public Administration and Disability: Community Services Administration in the US at
