Sunday, May 19, 2024

Donna Brazile and Tom Perez, DNC (Democratic National Committee) Chairs during the Trump Administration

Donna Brazile (Interim) and Tom Perez

Democratic National Committee Chairs During the Trump Administration

May 19, 2024

      Maybe for New Yorkers to continue their party memberships during the Trump Administration was a surprise to Donna Brazile or maybe she knew Gov. Andrew Cuomo would be re-elected to a third term as Governor of New York in 2018. Donna Brazile, weekly panelist of ABC This Week, began as Interim Chair of the Democratic National Committee:

      I am honored that you have chosen to support the Democratic National Committee and our efforts to elect Democrats up and down the ballot in all 50 states, and I want to thank you for your recent contribution of $20.00 (suggested by Anthony Montoya, Rome, NY City Alderman, 3rd Ward) on 01/27/2017. Your generosity to the DNC will help protect our Party values and keep our country moving forward. 

     Let me be upfront--the election results were not what we hoped for, however, elections are not just won on Election Day--they are won through many months of diligent work, and the passionate support of people like you. Thatś why we are already planning ahead for the next fight. Your recent support  will allow us to get our message out now, strengthen our Party infrastructure, and reach Democratic voters everyday until the next election. 

     To protect our progressive values, we need a strong Democratic leader where our Democratic leaders are supported. Your generous contribution (high donors can follow and add zeros to $200-annual reporting level, $2,000, $20,000) will give us the resources to lay the groundwork now for the 2017 elections and beyond. The next election may seem a long way away, but our opponents are already planning their next move and motivated to maintain control. 

     Julie, your continued contribution is important to our future. If you are able, please send an additional contribution today.

     You may also want to consider giving a monthly donation by joining the DNC Grassroots Partners, a group of our most loyal and reliable supporters. As a Grassroots Partner, you will provide an essential and dependable source of funding to support Democrats all year long. 

     Whatever you are able to give, I thank you again for your continued support of our Party, and your steadfast commitment to shared Democratic values.   


Donna Brazile

Interim Chair, Democratic National Committee

Donna Brazileś 2017 book is titled Hacks: The Breakins and Breakdowns that put Donald Trump in the White House on and a few others!!

Now to understand how close President Barack Obama was during the Trump Administration, we will share the beginning of a letter from then new DNC Chair Tom Perez:

Dear Julie,

     Like me, your probably miss President Barack Obama a lot these days. You miss his dignity. You miss him looking up to a leader who was thoughtful and compassionate. You miss knowing that your president cares about you and everyday Americans.

     Today, the nightmare being inflicted on our Nation by Donald Trump (a New Yorker like Perez, former US Secretary of Labor and Julie Ann Racino, at American Society for Public Administration) and the Republicans could not be a bigger contrast to President Barack Obama. And the stark difference makes us miss him even more. 

     With the help of dedicated democrats like you (Julie Ann Racino, an independent for most of my life), President Obama, congressional Democrats, and cabinet members like me were able to make historic progress, overcoming constant obstacles from the GOP to win key victories.

     Iḿ honored to have served in President Obamaś cabinet. He led the changes to pass the Affordable Care Act, extending health care coverage to 20 million Americans (Racino advocates health care for all). He brought our economy back from a recession and dramatically reduced unemployment...he helped advance civil rights for LGBTQ citizens (Robin Racino Scherer, US Defense Department)..and so much more. 

     As you and I know all too well, Trump and Republicans will stop at nothing to rolling back our hard-won gains and destroying this proud legacy of progress. He had the audacity to remove the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement (See, Bidenś first Executive Order to restore), making us one of only three countries not to participate. He keeps trying to force his unconstitutional travel ban down our throats (Racino, commonly known as the Muslim ban, see current immigration policies). And he makes rash decision--such as firing the FBI Director--that only raises questions of deeper scandal in his administration (Racino, current court cases to felonies, 2024 & arrest of Chief of Staff Mark Meadows). Each day brings fresh evidence that Trump is an incompetent, authoritarian bully and fraud (Racino had from business, not government sector; and directive style with some truth on comfortable with dictators). 

     Meanwhile his GOP lapdogs in Congress are happy to go along for a ride (riding the wave, riding the administration), as long as he rubberstamps their cruel and radical agenda (Racino still really does not get that directly-though now moving toward Social Security and Medicare; raised retirement age for benefits creating a retirement gap for seniors post AARP and the donut hole). Left unchecked and unquestioned, Republicans will work to line the pockets of the wealthy--including Trump and his buddies--at the expense of working families. They will dismantle our public schools under the guise of school choice (now, proposals to eliminate US Education), eliminate womenś reproductive rights (Roe v. Wade now down), derail urgent efforts to curb climate change (called it a hoax), and strip tens of millions of Americans of healthcare (on Repeal and Replace Obamacare).

    You and I care too much to let this happen. Itś our job to hold them accountable. Iḿ not about to to stand by and let Trump and the Republicans erase everything that we accomplished during President Obamas eight years in office (Julie Ann Racino at affirmative action, equity and disparities, and inclusion and EEO-US Department of Labor; see last entry from 2017 ASPA). As a loyal member of the Democratic National Committee, I know you wont let that happen either.....

     Your generous support is essential to winning the fight for Americaś future. The DNC simply cannot do it without you. 

     Please sign your birthday card for President Obama...

     This isnt about President Obamaś legacy, but our shared legacy as Democrats. Together, we must fight to protect it today. Thank you for your leadership in the fight to address our Democratic values. 

Tom Perez

Chair, Democratic National Committee

Tom Perez, in 2020 introduced one of the televised Democratic debates for US President (stellar debate campaign), and returned to upstate New York in 2024 for the I-81 project in Syracuse, New York (Biden infrastructure) and back to Buffalo, New York. Like US President Joe Biden, he is a strong supporter of unions and union organizing, and see White House site today, earlier known as protective classes-Asian, Hawaian and Pacific Islanders.  Now, on the latter, concern on pensions and cuts to retirees (40% in 2024, New York; private sector vs. government) as unions reorganize for its new members. 



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